Tamanrasset, or “Tam” as the Northerners call it, is the undisputed capital of Hoggar. This relatively young city benefits from the relatively temperate climate of the altitude, at nearly 1,400 meters. The red and original houses, the magnificent panorama make of this city a particularly endearing place, which remembers its visitors. Foucault’s father left an indelible mark there with his Bordj, near the Museum of Traditional Arts, rich in magnificent pieces of craftsmanship: jewelry, clothes, weapons and even locksmiths. The city market is also very attractive with its belt shops and auction vendors.
A few kilometers away is a thermal spring, Adriane, very popular. Close by in the village, which has many blacksmiths, there are two unique funerary monuments. They house the graves of Prince Moussa Ag and his cousin Dassine Ould Khemma, famous in local mythology.